About the Journal

Editor-in-chief: Hamit KOKSEL

Co-Editor-in-chief: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, PhD, DSc 

ISSN 1757-837X (online edition)
ISSN 1757-8361 (paper edition 2009-2014)


Aim and Scope

'Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods' provides a forum for the rapid dissemination of significant novel and high-impact research in food science, technology, engineering, and nutrition, publishing research and review papers associated with the quality and safety of food and food sources, including cereals, grains, oilseeds, fruits, root crops, and animal sources. It targets both primary materials and their conversion to human foods. There is a strong focus on developing and applying new analytical tools and their potential for quality assessment, assurance, control, and safety. The scope includes risk assessment, traceability, authenticity, food security, and socio-economic impacts. Manuscripts presenting novel data and information likely to significantly contribute to scientific knowledge in food quality and safety areas will be considered.

QAS also considers exceptional manuscripts on the effect of food contents on human health as "Basic clinical and basic research on food and human disease, nutrients and disease, food, and human health" for publication. Scope of such manuscript within Bioactive compounds found in foods and crops, which shows pharmacological effect in human diseases, e.g., diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases; Biochemistry of food; Biophysics; Cell biology; Enzyme chemistry and technology; Genetic expression; Lipid research; Membrane biology and chemistry; Pharmacological properties of food bioactive ingredients in foods; Phytopathology; Biosynthesis of flavor precursors in food items. While the effect of foods on human health, including quality of life, is determined by physiological and psychosociological interactions between humans and physical, chemical, biological, and social factors in the environment, the interaction between environment and human health is within the scope of the journal, besides food contamination not limited to pesticides, potentially toxic elements (PTEs), mycotoxins. Developing new analytical methods or improving existing ones that are useful for controlling and investigating food products is also included in the Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods scope.

In this regard, QASF is inviting the researchers to submit their original research papers, systematic reviews, review articles, and short communications, as well as commentaries about the latest findings in the area of food science along with environmental aspects.

Subjects that will not be considered for publication in Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods and will be desk rejected as being outside of scope include:

  • Investigations regarding the formulations and ingredients lead to the choice of the best formulation or ingredient to be used to manufacture a specified food.
  • Studies describe the production of ingredients and only their characterization without a solid mechanistic emphasis.
  • Studies describing the biological activity of foods lacking identification of the compounds responsible for the reported activity will not be published.
  • Studies do not prove the correlation between the structure of the compounds and their activity.
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis, which do not follow PRISMA
  • Studies on chemical compounds that do not consider a validation step in the analytical method.
  • Studies without a proper statistical analysis can cause misleading justification of findings.
  • Studies without appropriate justification to demonstrate the novelty of work

'Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods' provides a forum for all those working in the specialist field of food quality and safety to report on the progress and outcomes of their research.

Indexing and abstracting 

'Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods' is listed in:

  • Agricola (USDA/ARS NAL)
  • Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)
  • CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
  • CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)
  • Current Contents®: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Forestry Abstracts (CABI)
  • Global Health (CABI)
  • Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)
  • Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)
  • Postharvest News & Information (CABI)
  • Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)
  • Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics)
  • SCImago Journal & Country Rank
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Soils & Fertilizer Abstracts (CABI)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Google Scholar


Open access publishing fee

Starting from May 2019, the journal ‘Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods’ has been published as an Open Access journal.

* All articles published by Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods are fully Open Access. This means that upon publication they are immediately freely available online for all to read, download, and share.

APC up to June 30, 2024 submissions

Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication: USD 1100

APC (From July 1, 2024 submissions)

Research Articles: $1,750.

Review Articles: $1,500.

Short Communications/Reviews: $1,300.


The following questions and answers may help you to make an informed decision about the publishing fee.

What procedures have you implemented to ensure that the person submitting an article knows the publishing fee BEFORE completing the submission?

During the submission process, the person who submits the article has to tick a mandatory box confirming that he or she is aware of the publishing fee. This statement can be viewed under the ‘Submission Preparation Checklist’.

Who is responsible for making or arranging the payment?

The person who submits the article is responsible for making or arranging the payment (for instance, via the institution) upon editorial acceptance of the manuscript. The invoice will be issued to the person identified as the author for correspondence in the manuscript.

When do I pay the publishing fee?

The publishing fee is payable after the editorial acceptance of an article. Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the submitting author and the author for correspondence will be notified that payment is due.

How do I pay the publishing fee?

There will be two options for payment: via direct bank transfer or PayPal. The instructions for payment will be included in the invoice. No taxes are included in this charge. For any tax-related issues, please follow the regulations of your country.

Do I have to pay if my article is rejected?


If I withdraw my article, do I have to pay?

Authors can withdraw their articles at any stage. If the author decides to withdraw BEFORE the editorial acceptance of the article, then the authors do not have to pay. If the author decides to withdraw AFTER the editorial acceptance of an article, then the full fee must be paid.

 Why do I have to pay a publishing fee?

All articles published in QAS (2020 onwards) are open-access and freely available online under Creative Commons License (CC-BY-NC-SA). This means anyone, anywhere in the world, who has access to the internet can read your article without any restriction. The typical publishing costs could be grouped into technology, article processing, and post-publication activities.

Technology: Online presence requires a publication platform, hosting, security features, and email services.

Article-processing: Receiving articles, a preliminary check of the manuscript to ensure adherence to guidelines, plagiarism check, communicating between authors/editors/reviewers, organizing peer review, receiving revised manuscripts, copyediting, implementing corrections by authors, typesetting, layout editing, proofreading, graphic design, assigning DOI to articles, reference checking, assigning DOI to references, indexing.

Post-publication activities: Conversion of articles to XML, article promotion, marketing, and continued online presence.    

Do you have a publishing fee waiver policy?

Yes. We do have a waiver policy. For a fee waiver, write an email to admin@codonpublications.com