Influence of process parameters on bulgur quality
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precooked wheat, optimisatio, debranning conditions, bulgur
In this study, conditions for producing high-quality bulgur were improved by studying the effects of cooking time (CT), moisture content before debranning (MC) and debranning time (DT). Bulgur quality was then assessed based on yield, colour and ash content. A central composite plan and an analysis of variance were used to test the adequacy, significance and meaningfulness of all the responses using the mathematical model developed. The results showed that CT had a positive effect on both bulgur yield and lightness of colour. DT had a negative effect on yield, red colour and ash content, but a positive effect on lightness (L*) of bulgur. There was a significant effect on bulgur yield and red colour (a*) due to the interaction between CT and MC. In addition, the effect of interaction of CT and DT on the later response was also significant (R2=0.95%). The optimal conditions for high-quality precooked wheat were a CT of 43 min, MC of 15.5% and a DT of 1.6 min. Under these conditions, optical microscopy observation showed the presence of an aleuronic layer, the most nutritive branny wheat layer.
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