Acrylamide formation in carbohydrate-rich food powders consumed in Korea

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Inseon Hwang
Hoonjeong Kwon


acrylamide, asparagine, Maillard reaction, monosaccharides


Acrylamide formation in carbohydrate-rich botanical powders consumed in Korea was investigated in this study. Free asparagine and monosaccharide contents were measured as the chief precursors to acrylamide formation. The highest levels of acrylamide were detected in heated lotus roots, followed by potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and yams. Tubers and rhizomes contained more asparagine than sugar and had a high ratio of free asparagine to free amino acids. Acrylamide was formed preferably when sugars were the limiting factor, rather than when the same amount of asparagine was limited. This study demonstrated the potential for several botanical powders in the Korean diet to be contaminated by acrylamide.

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