Effect of cassava variety, fertiliser type and dosage on the physicochemical, functional and pasting properties of high-quality cassava flour (HQCF)
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cassava varieties, fertiliser compounding ratio, fertiliser dosage, HQCF, quality attributes
The increase in the dry matter content of cassava due to fertiliser application has been widely reported. However, information on the effect of cassava variety, fertiliser compounding ratio and dosages on physicochemical, functional and pasting properties of high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) is scarce in the literature. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cassava variety (TME 419 and TME 30572), fertiliser compounding ratios (NPK ratio 15-15-15, 20-10-10 and 12-12-17) and dosage (150 and 300 kg/ha) on some quality parameters of HQCF, and the influence of independent factors on HQCF was determined using general linear model (GLM) analysis. The result revealed that all the independent variables had significant (p < 0.05) effect on the physicochemical, functional and pasting properties of HQCF. The proximate composition of the flour was mostly affected by variety and fertiliser type, while the interactive effect of fertiliser type and dosage as well as the fertiliser type and variety was significant (p < 0.05) on the total starch content. Varietal influence was the main factor that significantly affected the amylose content of the flour samples and swelling power as well as least gelation concentration was significantly affected by fertiliser compounding ratio. In addition, interaction of fertiliser type and dosage had significant effect on swelling power. Pasting properties of the flour samples were mostly influenced by fertiliser type and cassava varieties, while dosage did not show significant influence on the flour properties. Peak viscosity value, which varied from 462.58 to 534.67 RVU, is the pasting property that was mostly affected by the independent factors. This study clearly indicates that cassava varieties and fertiliser treatment could influence the functionality of HQCF in food systems.
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