Scientific trends of global food laws and regulations
Main Article Content
Founded in 2004 the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) is an international non-profit network of individual scientists and scientific organisations working together to enhance harmonisation of global food safety regulations and legislation. To promote the objective of GHI, to furnish sound fact-based advice to harmonise food law and regulations across the world, it was decided to publish a special issue on ‘Scientific trends of global food laws and regulations’. Therefore, articles including issues of industrial, national, regional, international and global concern, especially to food and feed scientists, nutritionists, and health professionals were invited. The invited manuscripts consist of acts, regulations, standards, code of practices, guidelines, residue limits, laws, legislations, risk analysis, systems and policies for food security, food, feed and water safety, food, feed and water quality, nutrition, and health and wellness. Among all received manuscripts, nine articles ultimately were accepted to be published in this special issue.