Analysis of risk and consumers’ awareness regarding the gluten content in meat products on the example of frankfurter type sausages

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A. Jędrusek-Golińska
M. Zielińska-Dawidziak
P. Zielińska
R. Kowalski
D. Piasecka-Kwiatkowska


celiac disease, consumer’s concerns, ELISA, gluten-free sausages, producer’s concerns


The long life gluten-free diet is the most effective method of preventing symptoms in celiac disease. Thus, awareness of 160 patients suffering from the disorder was examined, as a crucial parameter for their health-safety. The adherence to the gluten-free diet did not depend on their education level. 88.1% of patients followed the diet strictly, 94.4% controlled the products labels and 38.1% were afraid to consume unknown food. Over 80% of respondents expected gluten in meat products. Therefore, the presence of gluten in the frankfurter sausages not labelled either as containing gluten or as gluten-free was controlled. The analysed product was classified as gluten-free (14.3 mg/kg), despite the use of food additives of wheat origin during production. Thus, gluten content control and proper products labelling give benefits both to the producers (widening consumers’ group) and to the celiac patients (diversity of diet composition).

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