Effect of micronutrients foliar supplementation on the production and eminence of plum (Prunus domestica L.)
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consortia, foliar application, zinc, iron, boron, copper, plum, quality attributes, yield
Poor soil fertility due to continuous depletion of micronutrients is a major problem for the production of Prunus domestica L. Low level of soil organic matter and calcareous parent material decrease the bioavailability of these micronutrients to plum plants. Thus, less micronutrients uptake resulted in deterioration of plum fruit quality and decreased yield. On the other hand, balance and correct combination of micronutrients used as a foliar has potential to overcome this problem. Foliar application method provides plants a chance for rapid and easy uptake of micronutrients. Therefore, the present research was carried out to select the best combination of micronutrients using foliar method. Aim of the study was to select a balanced combination of micronutrients for better production and improved quality of plum (Prunus domestica L., variety Fazal manai) fruit. Seven treatments in three replications were applied. Our results showed that the quality of fruit was significantly improved through the application of T6 micronutrients consortia. A significant increase in total soluble solids (16%), fruit yield per tree (92%) and fruit size (12%) validated the effectiveness of treatment T6 (Zn + Cu + Fe + Mn + B = 0.5% + 0.2% + 0.5% + 0.5% + 0.1%) over control. Application of treatment T6 also enhanced quality attributes, that is, juice acidity (22%), juice sugar (22%) and juice contents (16%), as compared to control. It is concluded that use of treatment T6 as a foliar application is a better approach for significant improvement in quality and yield attributes of plum in micronutrients deficient conditions.
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