QAS invites and is very much interested to associate with active Research, University Departments, Associations, and Societies in the field of food and crop sciences.

QAS journal of Codon Publication is creating an international forum for Students, Researchers, and Academicians for sharing knowledge and innovation in the field of food and crop science. QAS aims to bring together worldwide researchers and professionals, encourage intellectual development, and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration.

QAS meets its objectives through academic networking, meetings, conferences, projects, research publications, academic awards, and scholarships. QAS delivers access to its members the industry's most essential technical information by organizing conferences, workshops, and annual convention meetings and provides networking opportunities both locally and globally. Members have the ability to stay current in their chosen profession, connect with peers, and invest in their future.


Online webinars/conference

If any association, university department, or society is interested to organize an online webinar/ conference of a specific topic in food and crop sciences. QAS will help them to organize and spread the information of webinars/conferences through QAS website globally. The participants will get a certificate as resource person, speakers, delegates.


National/International Conferences/Congress

If any association, university department, or society is interested to organise offline conferences/ Congress. QAS will help to publish the abstract book and organization of the conference/ Congress. QAS will also help to spread the information globally. The participants will get a certificate as resource person, speakers, and delegates.


Guest speakers

If any researcher/academic person is interested to deliver an online guest lecture on a specific topic. QAS will do all arrangements and also publish the information on the QAS website. QAS also provides the certificate to a guest speaker.


QAS will provide the following award annually

Most Cited Author

Best Reviewer

Best Editor

These awards will declare in the next successive year’s February month. These awards will be decided by the Editorial Team of QAS with Codon Publications administration.

Interested researchers, please write an email to