Research Article

Physical and chemical properties of some pistachio varieties (Pistacia vera L.) and oils grown under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions in Turkey

O. Kola, İ. Hayoğlu, H. Türkoğlu, E. Parıldı, B. Erol Ak, M. Reis Akkaya
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 181

Page 383-388

The effect of short and medium infrared radiation on some drying and quality characteristics of quince slices under vacuum condition

B. Alaei, N. Dibagar, R. Amiri Chayjan, M. Kaveh, E. Taghinezhad
Abstract 252 | PDF Downloads 174

Page 371-381

Amino acid profile and content of dried apricots containing SO2 at different concentrations during storage

F. Hamzaoğlu, M. Türkyılmaz, M. Özkan
Abstract 131 | PDF Downloads 133

Page 361-369

The stages of candied chestnut production and the influence of the sorbitol used on their properties

C. Candal, C. Mutlu, S. Arslan Tontul, M. Erbas
Abstract 164 | PDF Downloads 143

Page 351-360

Partial replacement of sodium chloride with other chloride salts for the production of black table olives from cv. Gemlik

M. Erdogan, B. Agirman, C.P. Boyaci-Gunduz, H. Erten
Abstract 221 | PDF Downloads 145

Page 399-410

Evaluation of extra-virgin olive oil adulteration using FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate algorithms

Y. Xu, M.M. Hassan, F.Y.H. Kutsanedzie, H.H. Li, Q.S. Chen
Abstract 214 | PDF Downloads 197

Page 411-421

Effect of heat moisture treatment and partial acid hydrolysis on the morphological, functional and pasting properties of sweet potato starch

G.J. Fadimu, M.K. Adenekan, O. Akinlua, F. Al Juhaimi, K. Ghafoor, E.E. Babiker
Abstract 214 | PDF Downloads 213

Page 423-430

How the food industry experiences and perceives food fraud

I. Djekic, A. Režek Jambrak, J. Djugum, A. Rajkovic
Abstract 345 | PDF Downloads 329

Page 325-333