Research Article
Improved quality characteristics of Sangak bread by response surface optimisation of farinograph and extensograph traits of doughs formulated with fenugreek gum
Abstract 109 | PDF Downloads 128Page 413-421
The inhibition of exogenous ethylene generated by solid ethylene-releasing agents on sprouting of potato tubers in relation to carbohydrate metabolism
Abstract 122 | PDF Downloads 113Page 423-429
Effect of potassium phosphate on the thermal, pasting, and flowing properties of chickpea and potato starches
Abstract 92 | PDF Downloads 74Page 431-440
Nutritional quality and physico-chemical changes during breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) natural fermentation
Abstract 128 | PDF Downloads 95Page 441-447
Effect of urea and sodium chloride on the pasting properties and gelatinisation kinetics of corn starch
Abstract 114 | PDF Downloads 85Page 449-457
Gelatinisation kinetics of corn and chickpea starches using DSC, RVA and dynamic rheometry
Abstract 132 | PDF Downloads 100Page 459-468
Wheat sprout flour as an attractive substrate for the producing probiotic fermented beverages: process development and product characterisation
Abstract 127 | PDF Downloads 108Page 469-475
Aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid and ?-nitropropionic acid production by Aspergillus section Flavi from dried figs grown in Turkey
Abstract 135 | PDF Downloads 100Page 477-485
Persistence and dissipation of neonicotinoid insecticides on chilli fruits
Abstract 150 | PDF Downloads 289Page 487-491
Phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of high hydrostatic pressure and conventionally treated ginseng (Panax ginseng) products
Abstract 104 | PDF Downloads 82Page 493-500
Single laboratory method validation for cyanide in beans with insufficient levels of ?-glucosidase activity
Abstract 114 | PDF Downloads 371Page 501-507
Total mercury and arsenic concentrations in edible and non-edible tissues of Iranian tuna fish
Abstract 150 | PDF Downloads 119Page 509-515
Effect of heating process on oil yield and fatty acid composition of wheat germ
Abstract 106 | PDF Downloads 94Page 517-520
Comparison of phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of saffron
Abstract 161 | PDF Downloads 169Page 521-529
Effect of A- and B-type granules on the physical properties of starch from six wheat varieties
Abstract 95 | PDF Downloads 83Page 531-536
The effects of heat treatment on the degradation of the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos-ethyl in tomato homogenate
Abstract 166 | PDF Downloads 98Page 537-544
Determination of metal, non-metal and heavy metal contents of some tropical fruits growing in Indonesia
Abstract 111 | PDF Downloads 89Page 545-549
Determination of sponge cake volume with a mathematical method
Abstract 296 | PDF Downloads 576Page 551-557
Gum cordia: physico-functional properties and effect on dough rheology and pan bread quality
Abstract 130 | PDF Downloads 119Page 569-579
Review Article
Food safety conundrum: a Pakistan’s scenario
Abstract 194 | PDF Downloads 163Page 559-567