Physicochemical characterization of sprouted cowpea starch by varieties

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Chukwuemeka U. Monu
Uloma E Onyeka
Chigozie Ofoedu
Charles Odilichukwu R. Okpala


cowpea starch, sprouting, physicochemical properties, functional ingredient, pasting properties


This current work explored the physicochemical characteristics of sprouted cowpea starch across different varieties. Specifically, cowpea varieties (IR48B, IT89KD-288, IT82D-716W, and TV32-36WS) were sprouted (steeping = 36 h; germinating = 72 h), then, milling to slurry, followed by starch extraction. Physicochemical characterization involved the measurements of starch yield, moisture, protein, pH, amylose, water absorption capacity, gelation, solubility index, bulk density and swelling power , and pasting attributes. Results showed sprouting significantly enhanced the protein, water absorption capacity, total titratable acidity, swelling power, solubility index, and emulsion capacity of cowpea starch. However, sprouting significantly reduced starch yield, pH, bulk density, gelation capacity, and amylose content. Comparative analysis revealed sprouted cowpea starch with superior pasting properties, including higher peak viscosity and setback viscosity, especially when compared to other starch sources. A direct correlation between amylose content and setback viscosity seemed apparent, although the quality of fit for sprouted cowpea starch suggested additional factors might have some influence on the pasting behaviour. Sprouted cowpea starch appears functionally positioned as a nutritional and versatile alternative in food formulations particularly for health-conscious consumers.

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