Optimizing pulsed electric field and high-power ultrasound treatments to preserve anthocyanin stability and physicochemical quality in stored strawberry juice

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Anica Bebek Markovinović
Višnja Stulić
Predrag Putnik
Tibor Janči
Branimir Pavlić
Sanja Milošević
Zoran Herceg
Amin Mousavi Khaneghah
Danijela Bursać Kovačević


non-thermal hurdle technologies; pulsed electric field; high-power ultrasound; hydroxymethylfurfural; browning index; conductivity; oxygen content; optimization


This study presents a novel approach to preserving the quality of strawberry juice through the innovative combination (hurdle) of pulsed electric field (PEF) and high-power ultrasound (HPU) treatments. The objective was to evaluate the impact of various PEF (30 kV/cm, 100 Hz, 1.5-4.5 min) and HPU (25% amplitude, 50% pulse, 2.5-7.5 min) treatments on anthocyanin stability, color, and physicochemical properties (conductivity, browning index, dissolved oxygen, and hydroxymethylfurfural content) during 7-day storage at 4°C. Our findings reveal that storage significantly influenced anthocyanin content, physicochemical properties, and color. The combined PEF (3 min) and HPU (2.5-7 min) treatments markedly enhanced anthocyanin stability compared to the control samples. Importantly, this combined non-thermal treatment approach significantly affected all studied parameters except for hydroxymethylfurfural content. Optimal anthocyanin content was achieved with a PEF treatment of 2.19 min and an HPU treatment of 7.48 min over 7 days of storage, while minimal color changes were observed with PEF (3.14 min) + HPU (7.50 min). This study demonstrates the potential of combining PEF and HPU as a feasible and effective strategy for processing functional strawberry juices, ensuring anthocyanin stability and desirable physicochemical properties.

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